Celebrating the beauty of adoption during National Adoption Month
At our Texas adoption agency, we are celebrating the beauty of adoption this National Adoption Month. Every November since 1984, people around the country have held different events to raise awareness about adoption. This month gives agencies, individuals, families and communities the opportunity to shine a spotlight on modern adoption.
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Adoption Domestic adoptions Infant adoptions Legacy Adoptions Services
Celebrating adoption by using positive adoption language
In the 1600s, pastor George Herbert said, “Good words are worth much and cost little.” His sentiment is still true today. When people use positive adoption language, they encourage others, fight stigma and educate all who hear their words. Our Texas adoption agency believes in celebrating adoption with good words that respect everyone involved in the adoption process.
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Adoption Legacy Adoptions Services
Essential advice about talking to the birth father about adoption
At our Texas adoption agency, we understand dealing with an unplanned pregnancy is difficult. Our counselors and staff can help you as you explore your options. For example, if you are concerned about talking to the birth father about adoption, we can help you manage the situation.
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Adoption Domestic adoptions Infant adoptions Legacy Adoptions Services Planning for adoption
Our caring staff wants you to know about support groups for birth mothers
Whether you are pregnant and considering placing your baby for adoption, or you have just given birth, you may want emotional support. Support groups for birth mothers take many forms, including online groups, in-person meetings, retreats and events. All the groups have one goal,
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Adoption Legacy Adoptions Services
Find helpful tips for traveling home with your newly adopted baby
When you’re adopting an infant, you likely can’t wait to hold your precious bundle of joy in your arms. Before that can happen, you’ll need to bring them home. To help make it a safe and stress-free journey, you’ll want to check out these tips about traveling home with your newly adopted baby.
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Adoption Domestic adoptions Infant adoptions Legacy Adoptions Services Planning for adoption