Legacy Adoption Services

Celebrating Birth Moms and Adoptive Moms

On Mother’s Day and every day, we’re celebrating birth moms and adoptive moms

On Mother’s Day and every day, we’re celebrating birth moms and adoptive momsAt our Texas adoption agency, we are always celebrating birth moms and adoptive moms and the joyful families they make possible with their love. In May, Mother’s Day shines a spotlight on these special women. Holidays help us honor the women who love and care for our children, but celebrating all mothers is part of daily life at our modern adoption agency.

Mother’s Day is a time for reflection and thanks

Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May every year. Another newer holiday, National Birth Mother’s Day, falls on the Saturday before the traditional celebration day for moms. A group of birth mothers created this celebration to honor women who have placed their babies for adoption.

Women who have placed their babies for adoption and adoptive mothers often share common thoughts on these holidays, both thinking about their children and their love for them. Mothers can honor each other and themselves in the following ways.

Prayers and thoughtfulness. Birth mothers can pray for their children and their future, giving thanks to the wonderful adoptive mother they connected with. Adoptive mothers can pray for the birth mother, appreciating the gift of love they gave when they placed their baby for adoption.

Self-care. All mothers deserve a day of pampering. They should take the time to relax or do something fun. Taking care of yourself is important.

Self-reflection. Mothers should allow themselves to reflect on their journey, whether they are women who placed their baby for adoption or they are adoptive mothers. Self-reflection is healthy.

Families celebrating birth moms and adoptive moms

Family members of birth moms and adoptive moms should always supply support and love, but holidays provide a fantastic opportunity to make moms feel special. Aside from flowers and candy, here are some suggestions.

  • Encourage moms to talk about their experiences. Be a compassionate listening ear. Listen to their birth stories or the tales of their adoptions. Sometimes, moms just need to talk.
  • Help the moms in your life take time for themselves. Provide the opportunity for them to get out and have a fun day or some time alone.
  • Tell them you are there for them by offering to babysit or talk on the phone.
  • Keep moms in your thoughts and prayers. Let them know they can always count on you.

Celebrating birth moms and adoptive moms is our passion. For more information about our Texas adoption agency, contact us.

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