Legacy Adoption Services

Exploring Adoption Benefits at Work

How to ask about adoption benefits and adoption-friendly workplaces

How to ask about adoption benefits and adoption-friendly workplacesNow that you have decided to grow your family through adoption, you may be thinking about the practicalities of adding a new family member. If your employer offers adoption benefits, you are one of the lucky ones. Only 17% of companies offer financial assistance with adoption. Our Texas adoption agency has done some research, and we want to share some resources about adoption-friendly workplaces. You can use this information to talk to your employer about adding benefits to help you during and after your adoption.

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is a valuable resource for prospective parents

Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s, was an adopted child. He started an initiative for adoption-friendly benefits 25 years ago. His foundation works to educate employers about helping prospective parents. Employers say that they receive rewards when they help their employees grow their families. Talk to your employer about what could be in it for them.

  • An increase in employee retention and loyalty to the company.
  • Gives corporations an edge when they recruit new employees.
  • Fewer than 1% of employees use adoption benefits, so it’s a relatively low-cost offering.
  • The company culture demonstrates its desire to do the right thing by helping families, making adoption more affordable and accessible.

Go to davethomasfoundation.org for more information for yourself and an employer toolkit for your employer.

What kind of adoption benefits are available?

There are several types of benefits that companies may offer.

  • Financial assistance that includes things like partial reimbursements or lump-sum payments for adoption expenses.
  • Some assistance covers specific fees like court and medical costs.
  • Paid parental leave.

Companies should know that in some states adoption assistance isn’t subject to federal income tax withholding. Refer your employer to the following form: 2022 Publication 15-B (irs.gov)

Many companies are not adoption-friendly workplaces, so what can you do?

If your workplace doesn’t offer the benefits you would like to have, you can talk to your human resources department or try to find an employer that offers the help that you need. If your workplace has 50 or more employees, you can take advantage of the FMLA, or Family and Medical Leave Act. This act provides you with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave and protects your job during your time off.

Prospective parents can talk with the staff at our Texas adoption agency about employee benefits. Contact us to learn more about modern adoption.

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