Adopting a child is one of the biggest decisions a family can make. The process may be tedious, but adding a new member to your family can be one of the most exciting things in the world. In fact, 81% of parent-child relationships in adopted households are “very warm and close.” But before you commit to this enormous lifestyle change, it’s important to be aware of your options for adoption. Open adoptions are becoming increasingly popular and offer many benefits, but there are a lot of misconceptions about the open adoption process. Here are some common myths about open adoptions.
Myth: Open adoption will confuse the child.
Open adoption does not confuse a child and make them question who their ‘real’ parents are. Simply put, both sets of parents are ‘real’ parents. Giving your new child the opportunity to spend time with their birth parents has incredible benefits and will probably eliminate a ton of confusion in the future. It’s all about being honest with your child and opening up a platform of discussion. Give them a simple explanation about their birth parents and tell them that both sets of parents love them equally.
Myth: Open adoption makes the child feel like they need to choose between their birth and adoptive parents.
In a healthy open adoption, children will feel an equal amount of love from both sets of parents, so they’d never feel the need to choose between the two. There is a mutual understanding between both sets of parents that greatly benefit the child. Of course, it’s only natural for there to be a disagreement once in awhile, but in a healthy open adoption relationship, they will be solved through compromise.
Myth: Open adoption is always the best choice.
While the benefits of open adoption usually outweigh the risks, there are certain situation where maintaining contact with one of both birth parents can be detrimental to the family’s mental health and wellbeing. This is something that can be discussed with adoption agencies. Adoption agencies will make sure both sets of parents will be able to manage and commit to an open adoption agreement. However, with the right circumstances, having two sets of parents can substantially benefit the child and improve their quality of life.
Ultimately, opting for an open adoption is a matter of personal choice. It’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons of the process before committing to it. For more information about adoption agencies, visit Legacy Adoptions.