Legacy Adoption Services

The Waiting Game

At Legacy, a question we often hear from prospective adoptive parents is, “about how long will this process take?” There is no quick answer to that question and often
times, our respond is dependent on their adoption preferences. As future adoptive parents, there is a reason your hearts have been lead to adoption. Your reasons are personal and sometimes hurt, but you are excited for your new journey. As you begin the process you will want it to go as quickly as possible.

We live in an instantaneous world that has spoiled us to want things immediately. It has caused us to view everything as controllable; even the process of growing our families. As someone who longs to have children of your own (adopted or birth), your desire to have them as quickly as possible is understandable. However, it may not always happen on your timeframe.


Psalm 139: 16 reads, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”


Friends, the Lord knows the perfect timing for you. It is important to remember that your child will come to you on God’s timing. The waiting period can be the hardest part for some families, however once you experience it unfold, you will realize He has brought you to that child for a reason. God has not forgotten you, He is preparing you.

Just as you pray for Him to bring you a child, also pray for yourself and your family during this season of waiting. Pray for patience, guidance and trust. Do not let your life or your faith walk be put on hold as you attempt to control something that is beyond any human’s control. God has a plan for your family, trust Him to show you that plan.


“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4


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