Featured counseling topic of the month
At Legacy Adoption Services, we know that women with an unexpected pregnancy are often concerned about their ability to become parents. That is why we ask everyone seeking our counsel to explore their options before making a commitment to place their babies for adoption. This is an emotional time, and we encourage you to think pragmatically about your abilities, personality, finances and future. Our trained social workers provide each woman with questions designed to reveal her true ability and desire to parent a child.
Each month, “Counseling Corner” will feature one of the many subjects we explore
with Birthmoms through our counseling curriculum. This month is…
Lifestyle: All parents need to consider whether a baby fits their lifestyles. Those who are loners and like privacy should think about the impact of another human in the house. Those that are gregarious and like to go out in the evening, travel or have lots of friends around, need to determine whether those friends will stick around once a baby arrives. Also, ask yourself if you like the home tidy, or would you describe yourself as a slob? Do you accept change? Having a baby in the home probably requires a compromise. Are you happy doing the things that small children like to do?