Legacy Adoption Services

Frequently Asked Questions About Adoption From Birth Mothers

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Placing your child up for adoption is a difficult decision, and one that you cannot take lightly. Before you make this decision, you will need to educate yourself about the domestic adoption process. Here are some frequently asked questions birth moms have asked about the adoption process, explained.

Why is it important to work with an adoption agency?
First and foremost, adoption agencies are there for you; you don’t have to go through the process by yourself. They will assist you with your needs throughout the pregnancy, provide counseling, help you choose a family for your child, and take care of the legal paperwork.

Am I able to choose a family for my child?
Yes, the birth mother has full autonomy in choosing the right family for her child. You will be given many different scrapbooks to choose from, and will have the ability to speak at length with as many families as you choose. There are many different potential adoptive parents available, including single mothers, married couples, and families with children who can be siblings to your baby.

How soon after the birth will my baby go to their adoptive parents?
This is up to you. While each state has different lengths of time the mother can stay with the baby, it is completely up to you to decide if you want the child to go immediately to the parents or to stay with you for a while.

How many different kinds of adoption are there?
In general, most adoptions are private domestic adoptions, meaning the birth mother places her child with parents somewhere in the United States. Conversely, 37% of the adoptions in the nation are through the foster care system, and 25% are international adoptions.

What kind of contact can I have with my baby after placing them for adoption?
Again, this is completely up to you and the adoptive family. You will be able to work with the adoption agency to develop an after birth plan. This can include an open adoption, which allows you to be in regular contact with your child, a semi-open adoption, that includes visits a few times a year, or a completely closed adoption in which your information will be sealed.

Are you a birth mother potentially interested in adoption? Please feel free to contact us today.

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