Legacy Adoption Services

Honor Thy Father

In this month dedicated to fathers, let us stop the rushing of our chaotic lives to celebrate the one gentleman who helped bring you into this life.

34243681_sHe was the first man in your life and his role as your father played a significant role in your healthy development. He is the person that gave you half your genes and sometimes is the person who makes jokes about your jeans— they’re too loose, too tight, or just look ridiculous. All jokes aside, he is a symbol of nurturing, strength, respect, and wisdom. A Dad is an irreplaceable person in a child’s life yet, he is still as irreplaceable when that child is all grown-up. He is the person to teach valuable lessons, tell goofy jokes, coin nicknames, and stand as the “man of the house” and protector of all.

Whether he is protecting little ones from “bad guys” and “monsters” or protecting his growing girl from boys, he is the protector of his whole family. He teaches his son(s) how to protect himself with some possible boxing moves from his own experience or that of action movies. A father teaches his son how to stand up for himself and how treat a lady with respect. He ensures his son knows what it takes to not only survive in this world, but to be successful in it. He teaches his daughter(s) how she should be treated and to accept nothing less from anyone. He teaches his little girl how to protect herself (mace and all) and how to act tough, even if someone’s words make you want to cry. A father teaches his little girl to work just as hard as the boys and to never let anyone tell her she is not beautiful. The lessons that a father teaches are infinite because he longs for his children to be wise like him.

It is unfortunate how quickly we forget all that fathers do, which has made us what we are today. Fathers make sure to provide for their families; they see to it that his family receives everything that they need and sometimes, if they catch him in an extra generous mood, he provides them with a few things they want. He gets defensive if someone tries to hurt someone he loves by words or actions and he strives to be the strength and foundation his family needs. He illustrates the value others should place on family and the significance of friendship. Perseverance is a skill his children can learn from observing his actions, like driving in a long commute daily in Dallas traffic just so his kids can participate in an extra after-school activity. We should show appreciation for things that we take for granted like, him committing to a job that makes him unhappy solely to keep his kids in a certain school district for the best possible education. It is amazing to think of all the things a father can contribute and share with his children and, overall family.

Dad, father, pop, daddy, padre, pa, papa, step dad, grandpa, or “like a dad to me” are all synonyms for the man that has cheered you on since you were in diapers. No matter what you call him or how he is related to you, reach out to your father figure today to share your gratitude. To have the privilege of knowing a man as dedicated, patient, kind, and loving as him, is a gift in itself. Whether you honor Dad with a spiffy tie, a new tool kit, sports accessories, a car tune-up, or a macaroni necklace, thank him for being the first man in your life and the second man to love you after the good Lord above.

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