Legacy Adoption Services

My Daughter Is Pregnant

Legacy can offer support when your daughter is pregnant

We all look forward to the day when our children will experience the joy of becoming a parent. Ideally, this will happen when they are ready to take such a big step in life. If this is not the case and your daughter is pregnant, know that your family is not alone.

One of the main roles at our Texas adoption agency is to counsel the family members of our expectant mothers. Read on for information and tips on how to support your daughter and stay strong as a family during this uncertain time.

Teenage pregnancy rates in the United States

There has been a steady drop over the last 20 years, but the United States still has one of the highest teenage birth rates of any developed country. Additionally, our home state of Texas has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the country.

These numbers mean that our Texas adoption agency frequently works with teens who are expecting. Finding out your daughter is pregnant as a teen can come with an avalanche of emotions for you and your family. Our goal is to help you work through these feelings and give your daughter the information she needs to make the best decision for her and her baby.

Either way, our counselors provide unbiased support and guidance.

Your daughter is pregnant. Now what?

If your daughter is facing an unplanned pregnancy, she needs your support now more than ever. The first step after learning that your daughter is carrying a baby is to withhold any big reactions. Our counselors know how difficult this part is. Your mind and heart will race but try to stay calm and listen. Remember that her fears are just as big (if not bigger) than yours. Then, state your love for her. She needs to hear words of unconditional acceptance.

After taking time to talk (and listen), you can help her create and follow through with a plan. She will need your support and help as she makes big decisions for herself and her baby. Practicing responsibility and ownership will help her find peace later. This is where we can help. We can offer sound advice on how to communicate with friends and family, work with the baby’s father and his family, find resources, and make an action plan.

If your daughter is pregnant and unprepared, you can be her advocate from the moment she tells you until well after she has delivered. The counselors at our Texas adoption agency are also here to help. We have seen it all and can offer real-life advice. Call us today at (817) 704-0239.