Legacy Adoption Services

Last Minute Hospital Adoption Plans

We can help with last minute hospital adoption plans for your baby

When you don’t feel ready to raise a child, but you’ve just delivered a baby, it’s normal to feel uncertain about what lies ahead. Even though it might feel like it, you don’t have to rush to any decisions. It’s important to learn about all of your options after delivery, including the realities of parenting your baby or making last minute hospital adoption plans. Our Texas adoption services are here to help, with experienced counselors across the state who can answer all of your questions with factual information and zero pressure.

Many new moms are surprised to discover that a baby can be placed with a loving adoptive family after birth, either at the hospital or after the baby comes home. Learning about this option opens up possibilities for a better life for many mothers and babies, especially when a mother has little support from others, is struggling financially, or is facing a CPS investigation.

Regardless of your situation, our counselors are ready to help you. We will listen without judgment, provide information and resources, and help you take control of your child’s future.

We help new mothers explore all options after delivery

If you are considering last minute hospital adoption plans, we want you to have all the information you need to make a decision that is best for both you and your baby. We are simply here to support you and help you choose your next steps.

Responding 24/7. Our Texas adoption services are located all across the Lone Star State, and our counselors are available around the clock to meet with you, wherever you are. We can come to your bedside at the hospital, talk to you through videoconference, or meet you at home or in another location where you feel most comfortable.

Providing options after delivery. Today, new parents have much more control over the adoption process than in the past. Our counselors will explain your legal rights as a mother considering adoption. We will also assess the father’s rights and explain how modern adoptions work. For those considering keeping the baby, we can provide honest information about what parenting will be like in your situation, so that you can accurately assess your ability to support your child.

Making choices. If you choose to move forward with adoption, you will be empowered to pick your child’s parents from a large group of carefully prescreened couples who are ready to adopt today. You can decide how much contact you want to have with the family going forward. If you prefer, our counselors can choose the parents on your behalf, ensuring that they meet all of your requirements.

Clearing CPS and positive drug tests. For women facing CPS investigations, last minute hospital adoptions may provide more control over the child’s future. In most situations, Legacy can help get cases closed quickly.

Covering your costs. Your medical and hospitalization fees, legal expenses and counseling services are free to you. Postpartum living expenses may also be covered.

Considering last minute hospital adoption plans

It takes a lot of strength and love to make the decision to give your child a better life than you can offer. Last minute hospital adoption plans may give you the peace of mind you need, because you can provide your child with a future you design. Contact us to learn more about your options after delivery and our Texas adoption services.