Legacy Adoption Services

Unplanned Pregnancy in Houston

The Legacy team is here to help if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy in Houston

You worried that it might be positive, but you were hoping for a negative. However, the test results are clear. Even though you can’t raise a baby right now, you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy in Houston. What’s next? You can visit Legacy Adoption Services to find hope and get support.

At Legacy, we work hard to help women and their partners who are facing unexpected pregnancies in Houston, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, League City, Baytown and the surrounding areas. We also work with mothers who are having trouble raising a baby.

To get help and support, you just need to reach out to us. We’ll connect you with a counselor who will listen to you in a safe and nonjudgmental space. Your counselor can also help you learn more about modern Texas adoption and other options.

Lean on us if you can’t raise a baby right now

Your head is likely spinning and your heart is likely heavy as you face an unplanned pregnancy in Houston. However, you don’t have to go through it alone. If you can’t rely on your friends and family for support, you can turn to our counselors.

To meet with someone, just call or email us. We can quickly schedule a time to talk to you. You can meet with a counselor in our Houston office, or your counselor can come to you. The goal is to meet in a place where you feel safe and comfortable talking about your situation.

As you speak, your counselor will listen carefully as you talk about your unplanned pregnancy in Houston. The next step is helping you learn more about your options, including parenting and lovingly placing your baby for adoption.

If you decide that adoption is the best fit, you’ll be in control of the process. With modern adoption, you pick your baby’s adoptive family. You also have complete control over your pregnancy and delivery. This can be both empowering and comforting.

We’re here if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy in Houston

This is an emotional time, but you aren’t alone when you see a positive pregnancy test. If you can’t raise a baby right now, our counselors are here for you. Contact us to learn more about your options, including Texas adoption.

Directions to Our Houston Office

Houston Adoption Agency Location

By appointment only 

405 Main St #829, Houston, TX 75002

Meet Samantha Hoffma, Our Options Counselor in Houston, TX

Samantha Hoffma, MSW

Meet Melinda, Our Options Counselor in Houston, TX