Baby’s first birthday is a big milestone in the adoption journey
A baby’s first birthday is always a time for celebration. But when you’ve placed your baby for adoption with an adoptive family, you may find yourself with mixed feelings as the big day approaches: Happiness that your baby has been surrounded by love for their first year,
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Child Development Legacy Adoptions Services
Making holiday traditions in an open adoption
At our Texas adoption agency, we believe in the modern adoption process. In a modern adoption, birth parents and adoptive parents decide how much, if any, contact should occur between the child and the birth parents. For some people, this means phone calls. For others, it means sharing photos and updates about the child with the birth parents.
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Adoption Child Development Legacy Adoptions Services Planning for adoption
How to create a life book for your adopted baby
Congratulations! You are parents or are about to become parents to a much-wanted adopted baby. As your baby grows up, he or she will benefit from learning more about the past. It can also be helpful to document the present and dream about the future.
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Adoption Child Development Legacy Adoptions Services
October is an exciting month filled with candy and costumes. People love the excitement of dressing up and pretending to be someone they are not. Though it is a fun and thrilling holiday, it might raise some concerns for children who already feel a little different. For an adopted child, they might have the desire to be someone they can relate to.
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Adoption Adoption Agency Child Development Domestic adoptions Infant adoptions Legacy Adoptions Services
Pumpkin Spice Latte’s, pumpkin muffins, and candy corn can only mean 1 thing…Fall is here and Halloween is just around the corner!
As Halloween approaches and the costumes come out in the stores, kids begin to wonder and begin thinking “What do I want to be?” Whether you agree with Halloween or not, playing dress up for a child is not only exciting and fun but is also a key developmental avenue of play.
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Child Development Legacy Adoptions Services