Legacy Adoption Services

Self-Care After You Adopt a Child

Self-care after you adopt a child

Self-care after you adopt a child“Parents, put your own mask on first, then help your child.” Flight attendants’ instructions for parents apply to you, too, when you adopt a child. In other words, don’t forget to take care of yourself. At our Texas adoption agency, our counselors encourage self-care after you adopt a child.

Your life changes as soon as you bring your child home. You have new responsibilities, worries, hopes and dreams. You have new physical chores to do to take care of your baby, and you are probably exhausted. Adoptive parents need support, especially during the first few weeks after adoption.

Taking care of your mental health

Adopting a child is a life-changing event. You don’t adjust the minute you bring the baby home. Self-compassion is vital. You must tell yourself you are doing a good job. Remember, every parent has a learning curve, so let yourself make mistakes.

If you feel discouraged, reach out to the counselors at our Texas adoption agency, another therapist, another parent or a trusted friend or relative. Sometimes, it helps to talk things through. If you show signs of depression or anxiety, reach out to a health professional.

Keeping your body healthy and strong

After you adopt, you may feel physically exhausted. Here are some tips for self-care after you adopt a child.

  • Get some sleep whenever you can. Nap when the baby naps, if possible.
  • Stick to a healthy diet that includes lean proteins, dairy, healthy grains, vegetables and fruit.
  • If you don’t have time to shop and cook, most grocers and restaurants deliver. Take advantage of their services.
  • Try to find time to exercise, too, even if it is just for 10-minute bursts. You will feel less sluggish when you fit in some activity.

Adoptive parents need support

Don’t isolate yourself! Adoptive parents need support. Talk to family and friends about your joys and your struggles. You can also contact our counselors for advice and compassionate support. Ask for and accept help when it’s offered. If someone offers to drop off a meal, pick up some groceries or help with laundry, let them help you! They will feel good about helping, and you will get much-needed relief.

Adopting a child is one of life’s most joyous occasions, but it’s even better if you remember that you need self-care after you adopt a child. Take good care of yourself, ask for and accept help, and you will be a better parent. Contact our Texas adoption agency for more information about modern adoption.

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