Navigating your feelings: Understanding the emotional process of adoption
After you place your baby with another family, it’s normal to go through all the stages of grief with adoption. The emotional process of adoption can feel like you’re on a swing, moving from elation and relief to sadness and loss, and back again. These feelings may begin as soon as you realize you are pregnant,
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Adoption Legacy Adoptions Services Planning for adoption Unplanned Pregnancy
Myths about placing a baby for adoption
When you have an unplanned pregnancy, you probably feel overwhelmed and stressed. You may wonder where to turn or what to do. At our Texas adoption agency, we can help you talk about your options in a pressure-free, caring environment. Our team understands that you may have heard some myths about placing a baby for adoption.
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Adoption Adoption Myths Infant adoptions Legacy Adoption and Surrogacy Planning for adoption Unplanned Pregnancy
Sharing the Love in Adoption
At our Texas adoption agency, our mission is connecting unexpectedly pregnant parents with parents who dream of raising and loving a child. Every adoption involves three parties: the adoptive parents, the expectant parents and the adopted child. This triad becomes part of the life journey that begins with modern adoption.
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Adoption Infant adoptions Legacy Adoptions Services Planning for adoption
If you’re an adoptive parent or unexpectedly pregnant, resolve to give yourself grace
Our Texas adoption agency is a faith-based modern adoption agency. We believe in grace and unconditional love for adoptive parents and those who are unexpectedly pregnant. Like any momentous journey, adoption is filled with both complicated emotions. As a result, being kind to yourself is vital during and after modern adoption,
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Adoption Domestic adoptions Infant adoptions Legacy Adoptions Services Planning for adoption
Making holiday traditions in an open adoption
At our Texas adoption agency, we believe in the modern adoption process. In a modern adoption, birth parents and adoptive parents decide how much, if any, contact should occur between the child and the birth parents. For some people, this means phone calls. For others, it means sharing photos and updates about the child with the birth parents.
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Adoption Child Development Legacy Adoptions Services Planning for adoption