Legacy Adoption Services

How We Came to Be Daddy and Mommy

We had been married 3 ½ wonderful years, and have built a solid foundation for our marriage, careers and were very hopeful about starting a family. We knew God had given us deeply-rooted desires to be loving parents, so the news of “unknown” infertility diagnosis was difficult to digest.

After two long and heartbreaking years struggling through infertility, clomid, IUI, injections, and two painful rounds of IVF, we felt we may never bring life into the world. The more God worked on our hearts, the more we realized He had been preparing us for adoption for a long time. Meeting with Legacy was the first time in a long time, that I felt like we were able to dream without fear. I knew the process may not be easy, but a sense of true hope after two years without it is very profound, and I knew this journey would ultimately end in celebration.

Only two weeks later, we received the call that brought our world to a complete stand still. Legacy presented our book to a birthmom and she picked us; we were matched! God had been knitting this life in her birthmother’s womb just for us. All those days and nights when God was silent, He was busy creating the answer to our dreams. It’s amazing how so many hopes and prayers can be wound up in one tiny life.

Only one short month later, our sweet angel was born. We enjoyed many precious moments as a little family in the hospital, and were approaching the 48 hour mark where the papers would be signed and she would officially be ours.

Though we hadn’t yet met, the birthmom had granted our every last wish in becoming parents through adoption and I had such an overwhelming sense of peace that day. The papers were indeed signed and much to our surprise, our birthmother walked into the room as we were beginning to pack up for the drive home. I was so overcome with emotion that I threw my arms around her, sobbing. I repeatedly thanked her and then tried to get a hold of myself.

We visited for about 15 minutes, and talked about the birth, how she was doing and the sweet little traits we had already fallen in love with in our girl. I felt like we had known each other a lifetime, and in that moment, we both knew we were the answers to each other’s prayers. She later told Legacy that when she saw the way we were already so in love with our little girl, she knew she was never meant to be hers. Our meeting was such a warm and profound moment, we took photos together to commemorate the moment, and we will treasure these always.

It’s incredible to look back on the journey and see how the story unfolded. Such beauty came from hurtful and seemingly hopeless circumstances. So, today, as we look back at the most difficult years of our lives thus far, we are forever grateful for the gift of our little girl. It’s my sincere hope that ours is a story of hope and encouragement for those considering or currently going through the process of adoption. The adoption of our sweet daughter was the most beautiful experience we have ever had. It’s a story of God’s provision, long-awaited answers to prayers and new beginnings.

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