Can I parent my baby now? Making a lifelong commitment after an unexpected pregnancy
Women with an unexpected pregnancy are often concerned about their ability to become parents before they had planned. That is why we ask everyone seeking information about Texas adoption to explore their options before making a commitment to place their babies for adoption or deciding to parent. If you’re asking yourself “Can I parent my baby?,” it’s important to recognize that this is an emotional time. Think pragmatically about your abilities, personality, support system, finances and future.
Our compassionate counselors ask questions designed to reveal your true ability and desire to parent a child
Lifestyle. Before deciding to parent, all parents need to consider whether a baby fits their lifestyles. Those who are loners and like their privacy should think about the impact of another person in the house. Those who are gregarious and like to go out in the evening, travel or have lots of friends around need to consider how their lives will change. Ask yourself if you like the home tidy, or would you describe yourself as a slob? Do you accept change? Having a baby in the home probably requires a compromise. Are you happy doing the things that small children like to do?
Education. How far along are you in meeting educational goals? Less education usually means less income. Are you willing to earn a GED if you’re still in high school? If you have professional aspirations, you may need to obtain your bachelor’s or master’s degrees. Do you have the commitment to study when a baby is demanding your attention?
Finances. The truth is that the answer to the question, “Can I parent my baby?,” often comes down to money. The estimated cost to raise a baby to age 18 is $375,000. Will your income cover the cost of diapers, day care, doctor visits and transportation to childcare and work? Can you afford to lose a day of pay to care for a sick child? Will you receive child support to help cover expenses for food, transportation, clothing, medical insurance, diapers and day care?
Support network. New mothers have many sleepless nights. Once your child gets older, you may need an occasional break to recharge. Think about how you’ll get to work or school if something unexpected occurs. Ideally, the baby’s father will help with the emotional and financial cost of raising this child. If not, are your friends and family ready to step up and help when the need arises? Are you sure? Do you need to ask yourself, “Can I parent my baby alone?”
Arm yourself with information about Texas adoption, as well as information about deciding to parent
Most women with unexpected pregnancies who step through our doors are unsure of their direction. The compassionate counselors at Legacy Adoption Services are not here to judge or tell you what to do. We just want to help you consider the answers to the question, “Can I parent my baby?” and come to the decision that is right for you and your child.
When you find yourself asking, “Can I parent my baby?” or “Am I ready now?” contact Legacy Adoption Services to get real information about Texas adoption and parenting, and let us help you decide what you want for your future when an unexpected pregnancy occurs.