Exploring your unplanned pregnancy options by month
Every day, the Options Counselors at our Texas adoption agency speak with pregnant women who are stressed and facing many decisions. They are sometimes overwhelmed and unsure of their next steps. What are your options depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy?
While we believe that adoption is a beautiful and loving choice, it is our job to present options to the women we serve. We want adoption to be a choice that a woman feels confident and peaceful about. If an expectant mother ultimately chooses adoption for her child, we want it to be the result of careful consideration, a decision she made without coercion.
The first trimester – The early options
The first trimester of pregnancy lasts 12 weeks, or three months. This is when most women discover they are pregnant. Depending on the woman’s situation, it is also when she might begin considering her unplanned pregnancy options by month.
If she reaches out to us to explore adoption within the first three months, the woman will be matched with an Options Counselor who will begin working on her behalf immediately. This may include providing free counseling, helping her obtain health insurance and finding her an OBGYN. These services are free and available for expectant parents, and do not commit the expectant mother to adoption. She can change her mind and choose to parent at any time.
The second trimester – The pregnancy is progressing
The second trimester consists of weeks 13-28, or months four, five and six. If an expectant mother chooses adoption for her pregnancy during this phase, our Texas adoption agency will immediately begin to help her create an adoption plan. Once she makes an adoption plan, she can begin receiving help with reasonable living expenses, such as rent and groceries. All of her medical bills are covered by the adoption agency, with no financial retribution if she changes her mind and decides to parent.
The third trimester – The final unplanned pregnancy options by month
Parenting and adoption are common choices for expectant parents in this stage of pregnancy. Many women who call our Texas adoption agency are in their third trimesters. We work quickly to get to know these expectant mothers, understand their needs, and form uplifting relationships with them. We either find them the resources they need to parent their child, or we begin providing guidance around adoption. Adoption is a great option for women in the third trimester of their pregnancy who feel that they cannot or do not want to parent.
Contact our office at (817) 899-5000 for more information about pregnancy options by month.