Legacy Adoption Services

Video Consultation With an Adoption Agency

Find help and guidance when you schedule a video consultation with an adoption agency

Pregnant and need advice? You might feel alone with nowhere to turn, but Legacy Adoption Services has been helping women in your situation for years. When you schedule a video consultation with an adoption agency, you’ll speak with one of our compassionate counselors. These Texas adoption experts have helped countless pregnant women explore their options in a judgment-free space, and they are here for you.

We are easily accessible when you are pregnant and need advice

We know that fears and worries about an unplanned pregnancy don’t stick to business hours. Our counselors also know that you may not feel comfortable or even be able to meet in person, which is why we make it easy to schedule a video consultation with an adoption agency.

For no cost, you can reach out today to arrange a time to meet with one of our counselors over video, whenever and wherever you feel most comfortable. You may be in your home or your car, but you can quickly have a knowledgeable and caring Texas adoption expert right by your side.

What happens during a video consultation with an adoption agency?

During your free video consultation, you can talk about anything that’s on your mind. When our counselors speak to pregnant moms, we discuss topics that range from options for an unplanned pregnancy to how to tell friends and family about it. Our team will never pressure you to decide. We will simply provide a listening ear and advice based on our experience with helping other expectant moms.

If you are interested in scheduling a video consultation with an adoption agency, call us at 817-784-7641. Here are some tips to make the most of your virtual appointment

  • Provide an accurate phone number that can receive texts. We will send you a text message with a link to use for your appointment.
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection and a phone or other device with video chatting capabilities.
  • Find a quiet area for the appointment, and prepare a list of questions.

If you are pregnant and need advice, you can reach out to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to get the support that you need. To schedule a video consultation with an adoption agency, call us at 817-784-7641. Our Texas adoption experts are here to provide compassionate support and advice for women facing an unplanned pregnancy.