“I want what’s best for my baby.” Legacy Adoption Services understands and can help
Whether you’ve just been surprised by a positive pregnancy test or you’re in the middle of an unexpected pregnancy, you probably have a lot of thoughts going through your head. You might be thinking, “I want what’s best for my baby.” This is a beautiful and selfless sentiment that we often hear at our adoption agency in Texas.
The team at our Texas adoption agency also wants you to do what’s best for your baby, as well as what’s best for you. In some situations, mothers decide that keeping their baby is right for them. Other women decide that placing their baby with a loving family is the best option. Our options counselors are standing by to help you make this decision.
What to consider when you think, “I want what’s best for my baby”
Each pregnant mother who visits our adoption agency in Texas is unique. What’s best for one person might not work for another. That’s why we help you explore your options, including parenting and adoption.
If you ask the question, “Should I place my baby for adoption?” our job isn’t to make this decision for you. Instead, we serve as a supportive and impartial party that is here to help provide the information you need to answer this question for yourself.
As you decide what’s best for you and your baby, here are some points to consider.
- Your current living situation and schedule. Children need a healthy and stable home and plenty of love and attention. Does your living situation and schedule allow you to consistently provide this for your baby?
- Your finances. It’s no secret that having a baby is expensive. On average, a baby costs $13,000 to $50,000 during its first year of life. This doesn’t even include the cost of prenatal care and labor and delivery. Will your finances allow you to care for your baby and yourself?
- Your support system. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and any parent will tell you this is true. From childcare while you’re at work or school to emotional support, no one can raise a baby alone. Do you have the support you need from your family and the baby’s father?
It’s also important to think about your hopes and dreams for your baby. You’re thinking, “I want what’s best for my baby.” What does “best” look like to you? Think about your child’s future, including their family, community, education, hobbies and opportunities. This can help you clarify what you think is best for your child.
Providing peace of mind in the face of an unexpected pregnancy
We understand that an unexpected pregnancy, and deciding what to do next, can be emotional. As you weigh your options, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns.
Should I place my baby for adoption? How will my family and the baby’s father react? How will my child feel about my decision someday? Our adoption agency in Texas is here to walk you through these scenarios, while answering your questions and helping you create a plan that works for you.
If you’re thinking, “I want what’s best for my baby,” Legacy Adoption Services can help. Contact us to learn more about the options for you and your baby.